He is very clear about his designs for Cos d’Estournel: “I was looking for an estate that had something unusual about it and where I would be able to make a contribution over time. I wasn’t just looking to make yet another wine . . . I fell under the spell of Cos d’Estournel.”
It was the beginning of the passion of a lifetime. Michel Reybier explains, “Cos d’Estournel brings together an inimitable terroir, a rich history, and magnificent architecture. Wine has been grown here for more than two centuries. Our only goal, be it for Cos d’Estournel or our other wines, is to always seek excellence: in the vineyard, in our wines, and in our people, while at the same time respecting all that surrounds us.”
Michel Reybier is driven by a ceaseless quest of quality and an extraordinary terroir, and he continues to draw inspiration from the creator of the estate: “I remain fascinated by Louis-Gaspard d’Estournel, the estate’s founder. He built this place and revamped the vineyard and the estate with great zeal and tenacity, with the goal of making Cos d’Estournel an exceptional estate and producing one of the best wines in the world. Who wouldn’t be influenced by his philosophy?”