The crest of Cos d’Estournel rises above the monumental gate through which visitors pass before entering the chateau. It is borne by a fierce lion in a menacing and protective stance, a classic architectural symbol that reminds inhabitants of the authority, dignity, strength, and ferocity of the king of beasts. In a surprising contrast, the lion is seconded by a unicorn, a charming, gentle-eyed symbol of joy, purity, and healing. And so it is that under these precious stone auspices, these omens of good fortune, visitors embark upon their discovery of Cos d’Estournel.
As their gazes are drawn up to the main pagoda, the doves and dragons carved around its openings invite their spirits and souls to run free, inspired by sacred treasures and celestial mysteries that mirror the alchemy behind the transformation of the estate’s grapes into wine. The line between reality and myth blurs, as the doves—innocent and immaculate—seem to temper the fearful yet protective ire of the mighty dragons.